Monday, February 26, 2007


Just arrived back from the States and UK. At the airport at Greensboro, NC I picked up a copy of a book called "Misquoting Jesus", which is about the various material that later became the bible: and how they got copied and re-copied, quoted and re-quoted. Words and ideas were changed, sometimes accidentally, sometimes deliberately, and sometimes whole passages were added, transplanted from somewhere else, etc. Like a mutating organism I suppose... For example, they reckon the story about the non-stoning of Mary Magdelene ("let he without sin cast the first stone...") was inserted from somewhere else. Does it matter? The story strikes a chord with lots of people. Anyway, I found the whole thing fascinating and thought I'd name this blog after it. I haven't got the book now - I left it in the UK with M, who also got into it. And so the book virus passes to another person... :-)

1 comment:

Mrs Catglasses said...

I love book-bugs. I have two books from a friend. Well... Books have a tendancy to stay with me, because I seem to forget to pass them on. But I did share a bit too...

Misquoting yourself, its a funny thing, a funny word. It suits you. :) This blog is a typical example of someone who is a little bit afraid to be personal, so he writes about a book instead. Which is fine, didn't know what books you read... but it does smell like chicken in here... sniff sniff....